
How can I load a saved review session from Manage Review Sessions?
You can use Manage Review Sessions to delete unwanted review sessions or to load a saved session that isn't loading as expected. 1) Select your revi...
Thu, 22 Apr, 2021 at 4:56 PM
Importacular import to Batch speed testing
We tested the same import of 500 records to add a simple constituent mapping and gift mapping into a batch (importing directly is always faster than importi...
Thu, 27 May, 2021 at 8:35 PM
Can I link a Event Particpation to one Constituent and a gift to another Constituent in Importacular?
In order to link the Event Participation to one constituent and a gift to another, you will need to have more than one constituent mapped in the template.  ...
Tue, 27 Apr, 2021 at 8:06 PM
How can I use Importacular in place of IDLookup?
The Criteria sets in Importacular allow you to match the data in your data source (or file) to the data in the Raiser's Edge.  To use the Criteria sets ...
Fri, 30 Apr, 2021 at 7:55 PM
Where do I find Importacular?
Importacular is accessed on the PlugIns tab of Raiser's Edge 7 (also known as the database view).  If you are Blackbaud hosted, this should already be i...
Tue, 11 May, 2021 at 6:13 PM
Do I need to install Importacular on multiple computers?
If your organization self hosts the Raiser's Edge, you will need to install Importacular on any computer where the tool will need to be used. For mo...
Tue, 11 May, 2021 at 8:13 PM
Error msg: 'SystemOutOfMemoryException" when uploading data source
If you are importing an Excel file (.xlsx or .xls), this may be resolved by saving it as a CSV. If you are getting the same error then please open the CSV f...
Wed, 12 May, 2021 at 3:20 PM
Required Gift Attribute causing exception in Importacular
In version 4.9, there is a bug that affects the validation of a required gift attribute being added to gifts being imported to a batch.  This is set to be f...
Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 at 11:55 AM
Cannot have duplicate split information
As Raiser's Edge will not allow two splits on a split gift to contain the same combination of Campaign/Fund/Appeal/Package, this error indicates that yo...
Tue, 25 May, 2021 at 7:42 PM
Required Gift Attribute is mapped, but has an exception saying it is missing
In Importacular version 4.9 a change was made to how Importacular validates gifts as they are imported into batches. The code tries to verify that the requi...
Tue, 25 May, 2021 at 8:12 PM