In order to link the Event Participation to one constituent and a gift to another, you will need to have more than one constituent mapped in the template.  This will require an additional paid destination (most commonly the Individual Relationships destination, though this could technically also be done with Solicitor, Tribute or Organisation Relationships).

In the tutorial video linked here, this was done on the Individual Relationship tab, so we will refer to that tab for the remainder of this article.

You will need to map one constituent on the Constituent tab and the other on the tab for the Individual Relationship destination.  (Keep in mind that you may need to follow the directions from this page in our User Guide to add data such as a Constituent Code, Address, etc. to the Constituent that you are creating on the Individual Relationship tab).

Once you have created the mappings for both constituents, your event participation and your gift, you can use the option in the upper right hand corner of the event participation mapping and the gift mapping to ensure that they have been assigned to the correct constituent.