We pride ourselves on building tools and products that anyone can use. But we also apricate that Importing can be tricky. It's why we offer a free video library, a comprehensive User Guide and hundreds of Knowledgebase articles. Even then, it's always useful to have someone take a look at what your are doing and give help and advice. That's why, if your import isn't behaving as you expect it to, please contact support@zeidman.info with a copy of your template, an anonymised sample of your data and a little description of what's going on. 

If can take a few minutes to load up files and templates, work outs what's going on, and come up with some solutions. As a result we find that the best use of everyone's time is to start off by email. If we need to jump on a call with you, let you know.

Here are two knowledgebase articles to help you export your template and prepare your data to send to the Support Desk:

How to import, export, clone to file and otherwise manage templates
How to prepare a sample file for Importacular testing

Please note: we will need both the template and the sample of your data in order to start looking into your issue.

***DID YOU KNOW? Series***

We are creating a series of useful hints and tips called 'Did You Know?'. If you type in 'Did You' into the Knowledge Base search bar, they will all appear. This list will grow over the coming months, so do check back in for any new ones.