When mapping constituent relationships (Individual or organisation), There are a number of option available to you via their Area Settings to help you chose what to do when matched records and match relationship records are found. One such setting is 'Replace the non-constituent with the constituent'.
By default, as long as you have suitable Criteria Sets in place, Importacular will seek to to find Constituent record in RE for the mapped relationship. If the incoming Constituent Relationship is not in RE, but if it finds a suitable non-constituent relationship on the Linked/associated Record, Importacular will convert the Non-Constituent record into a Constituent one.
However, if the Non-Constituent record appears on multiple Linked/Associated records, this will create a new record every time, resulting in duplicate records. As this is not ideal, we have added an additional option which, when checked, will seek to ‘replace’ the non-constituent record with a constituent record instead of creating a new Constituent record.
When this option has taken effect, you will see the word 'Replacement' in the Match Quality column of the Import Review Screen:
When a replacement happens, the incoming Constituent Record takes precedence , overwriting the non-constituent record fields that have been mapped. If there are telephone numbers, email addresses, postal addresses, secondary biographical details (General 2 tab) or non-constituent relationship attributes and notes, these will be replace or removed by the incoming Constituent record.
Biographical fields within the non-constituent record, such as Tile, Suffixes, Nickname, Maiden Name and Middle Names as well as Business and Education relationships (General 1 tab) that are not mapped in the template will not be overwritten by a blank values, instead the incoming Constituent record now incorporate those values.