You can clean the incoming data so that when it imports into RE, it has the right upper and lower cases, for a clean, consistent database. Go to the Field Settings for any relevant field and look to the 'Text Casing' section.

Here you can choose:

No Casing - imports what is in the data source

Proper Casing - The first letter of a word is Upper Case and the rest of the letters are lower case

Upper Case - All the letters are converted to Upper Case

Lower Case - All the letters are converted to Lower Case

This tool can be very useful, but there are some situations where you want to apply proper casing, but there are some instances where a word might require more than one Upper Case letter. A good example of this are celtic-based Last Names/Surnames such as McKay, MacDonald or O'Neill.

To help solve this problem, we recommend you mark the Text Casing as 'Proper Casing' and then apply a data transformation that will look for the first 2,3 and 4 letters of a word and apply a partial change. 

In fact, we have made this even easier and provided you with a comprehensive Global Data Transformation. Simply head to Import/Export and select 'Use Global Transformation' and select the the Last Name/Surname Transformation option.