When Importing Recurring Gift Schedules from Give Campus, some Recurring Gifts run for a fixed term and are not indefinite. Unfortunately, Give Campus do not provide us with an end date to when these recurring gifts will end, only that their 'Indefinite' statue is 'False' and the period of time it will run for.
This means we cannot simply add an end date to the Schedule mapping in Importacular.
Since Give Campus is collecting recurring gifts, when the term of the Recurring Gift ends, they will simply no longer collect more payments. However, users may wish to record when the Recurring Gift will end.
To do this, we recommend creating a Gift Attribute called something like 'RG Term Limit' and then create a Gift Attribute mapping in your 'Schedule' and map the new Attribute to the Gift, the field 'Subscription Length' to the Attribute Description, 'Gift Created date' to the Attribute Date and 'Subscription Period' to the Attribute Comment.
We also recommend adding a Conditional Update Value to the Attribute Description field settings to Added the Field with the field 'Subscription Indefinite' is equal to 'False'. This will only added the new attribute to the Recurring Gift Schedule if there is a term limit.