Setting up a few fake records within your Data Source and/or within your Raiser's Edge is a great way to test that your template within Importacular is doing as you expect it to.
If it turns out that, during your testing, your template did something you didn't expect, then you are not effecting 'Live' records and it will be much easier to change or delete the fake records.
We recommend that you create a few records that vary from each other, so that they can closely represent how donors/data subjects might input their own data. For example, different ways they might add a name, address, telephone, etc.
***DID YOU KNOW? Series***
We are creating a series of useful hints and tips called 'Did You Know?'. If you type in 'Did You' into the Knowledge Base search bar, they will all appear. This list will grow over the coming months, so do check back in for any new ones.