At the point of Importing, after unchecking the 'Validate Data Only' box, the 'Batch Setting' becomes available at the same time as the 'Import Now' button.

When you click on the 'Batch Settings' a new window appears with three options. The top option is to 'Add Gifts to an Existing Batch'. 

When this option is selected, a new search window will appear, allowing you to find the Gift Batch you want to use.

This option can be very useful if you have Imported Gifts to a Gift Batch, but some exceptions appeared along the way, meaning that the Exceptions might have to be imported separately. Rather than having two gift batches to commit: One for the Original Import and one for the Exceptions, you can use this feature to import the exceptions into the Gift Batch they were intended for.

When using this feature, it is recommended that you use a Gift Batch that was created by the original Importacular template you are using. However, if there are variations in how the Gift Batch is set-up, Importacular will see to add new fields, but it will not remove unused fields.

***DID YOU KNOW? Series***

We are creating a series of useful hints and tips called 'Did You Know?'. If you type in 'Did You' into the Knowledge Base search bar, they will all appear. This list will grow over the coming months, so do check back in for any new ones.