Sometimes, when you 'Import', exceptions can appear that didn't present themselves when Validating. These exceptions appear in the Control Report that you set up. Once you have solved the issue that caused the exception, rather than using the same Data Source and then having to 'ignore' all the records that correctly imported (leaving just the 'unsuccessful' ones), you can attached the Control Report instead, using the same template.  

Use the 'File (Excel/CSV)' data source option to attached the Control Report and be sure to select the 'Exceptions' Excel Sheet.

If your original Data Source is not a 'File (Excel/CSV)' based Data Source, you will need to create a clone of your original template, so that it can be used with the Control Report. To do this, head to the 'File' top menu on the Importacular Home Screen and select 'Manage Templates':

From there, select the relevant Template, then head to that window's 'File' top menu and select 'Clone Selected Template for File'.

As this creates a copy of your original template, the original template is preserved, but not linked to the new 'cloned' template. This means, if you make a change to the original template, you will need to make the same change to the cloned template as well. And vice versa.

***DID YOU KNOW? Series***

We are creating a series of useful hints and tips called 'Did You Know?'. If you type in 'Did You' into the Knowledge Base search bar, they will all appear. This list will grow over the coming months, so do check back in for any new ones.