Sometimes, when the database of changes keeps getting larger and larger, pushing the limits of AWS, the first thing to stop working is searching by constituent. (This is the main feature of the tile when it looks up changes per specific constituents and that would be the reason you do not see the tile.)
The best solution is to increase the size of the database. By default when you install Audit Trail, we suggest the smallest database size. (In hindsight we ought to ask you about the rate of changes that are made and offer an appropriate size based on that value.) Our recommendation at this point would be to increase the size and see if that helps performance. You can do that here depending which region you installed Audit Trail on:
Ohio | |
North Virginia | |
Canada | |
Other | replace the region code in the above URLs or go to your region and search for Amazon DocumentDB in the AWS search bar. |
Click on atinstance-1

Click on the configuration tab and press the modify button. You should see the following.

You want to change the instance class entry. Perhaps consider db.r6g.large if you are on the medium size as the new instance class. This is a more powerful machine which will give a better result immediately.