Deletions are difficult for us to track because Blackbaud do not give us that many details. This is especially the case with solicit codes. For example, when we delete a solicit code from RE we get the following message from the Sky API webhooks:
"id": "13c50726-6a7b-4dfc-8bc2-4fc5ded010af",
"type": "com.blackbaud.constituent.solicitcode.delete.v1",
"id": "360"
"time": "2023-12-20T11:16:46.8692303+00:00",
"specversion": "1.0",
"subject": "/environments/p-BpQJSmuJiE-0cngFPjnJaw"
This tells us that it was the deletion of a solicit code. The data area tells us the system id of the solicit code before it was deleted. For other records, the data area would give us more details. For example with a change of address, we get the constituent id and the person who changed the record as well as the system id of the address.
When solicit codes are deleted at the same time as constituents or if the constituent was changed, then we can infer the other data but in this case we are somewhat limited by what we see. When it comes to Solicit codes, we think that the old value is the solicit code system id. If you have access to a Raiser's Edge backup you could look in the database to see which solicit codes have a system id with this value.
We have asked Blackbaud for more information for records like this but our understanding is that this may not be possible due to the way in which the database is structured.