To access your Organisation Transformations, open the tool from the Transformations dropdown on the Importacular Data Source Screen.
This opens the Organisation Template Management screen.
To add a new grid, click on the green circle with the white plus sign/cross in it (circled in red above).
You will then need to select your Field Type (see this knowledgebase article for definitions). Choose the type of field that you are working with in the Raiser's Edge (this will affect the values you can use for your "Change to Target" in the Data Transformation grid).
Once you have chosen your Field Type (and a Code Table if necessary), you will be able to build your Data Transformation grid. Other than adding the Name and Description, you will build this grid the same as you would build a Data Transformation grid from within a template in Importacular. If you need help with the different options for Data Transformations, please review this section of our Importacular User Guide.
To learn how to export a grid of Data Transformations from within one of your templates and add it to your managed Organisation Transformations, see this knowledgebase article.
To learn how to use an Excel file to create Data Transformations in a managed Organisation Transformations, see this knowledgebase article.