As of July 2023, we introduced a new feature that allows you to cancel a process that is running. This new feature is not available for the Remove Mailchimp Subscriber process, or Realtime processes, but can be used for the other processes.

When your process appears in the Dashboard, a new 'Cancel Process' button will appear on the Tile. If you chose to stop the process, click on the new button and a window will appear asking you to type in a reason for cancelling the process. When you click 'OK', the function of cancelling the process will begin. This means several records could be processed/updated from the time you click on 'Cancel process', type in the reason for cancelling the process and then click 'OK'.

If you cancel a Scheduled Process, note that it only cancels the instance being run. It does not cancel all future Scheduled instance that is part of that process.

When the process has been cancelled, the Cancel Process button will disappear and the status of the tile will be updated to 'Cancelled'. At present, this status will only last for 10 minutes and then revert to 'completed'.

It is worth highlighting that processes with a small number of records to update do not take long to process, so the Cancel Process button option might not appear for long.

You can not cancel a process until it is visible on the Dashboard. You can not cancel a process that only appears on 'Recent Activity'.