Importacular uses your computer's Windows Regional settings to determine the best way to interact with your Raiser's Edge (which uses the same settings).  

Microsoft's Date format for Canadian Regional Settings is yyyy-MM-dd, however, a number of Canadian Importacular users sometimes use US-Based Data Sources that record dates in the format MM/dd/yyyy or M/d/yyyy.  To change your format, please see this knowledgebase article as versions of Importacular 5.8 and later include an option to change your culture to resolve this without needed to transform date formats in your template.

Within the Date's Field setting, you can adjust the Date Format being imported, so that it goes into your Raiser's Edge correctly.

We suggest using MM\/dd\/yyyy for dates with leading zeros (i.e. 01/06/2023)

and MM\/dd\/yyyy for dates with no leading zeros (i.e. 1/6/2023)