If you are using the paid destination to import Individual or Organisation Relationships, you will see two columns for Action to take when on the respective relationship tab (below you can see a sample of the Individual Relationship tab).
The Constituent Action refers to whether or not the relationship will Create/Update/Ignore a Constituent record for the relationship. So for the first row, we would be referring to John Bond, not James Bond as John is the record being added as a relationship to James. In the second row, Scott Rosebush does not exist as a Constituent, so he is set to Create.
The Relationship Action refers to whether or not the Relationship is set to Create/Update/Ignore. For the first row, we can see that John & James already have a relationship in the Raiser's Edge, so that Relationship will be Updated. In the Second, Scott Rosebush and Holly do not already have a relationship, so that will be created.
The Constituent Action and the Relationship Action do not have to be the same. Leslie Peyton is already in the Raiser's Edge, but does not already have a Relationship with Haylie. In other situations, the Relationship may already exist as a non-constituent relationship.
To watch a video demonstration and explanation, click here.