If you get the Error Message: Only individual and organization relationships may be tribute acknowledgees in your Importacular Control Report, it means that something has gone awry with how you have mapped your Primary Constituent with your Honor/Memorial Constituent in relationship to how the Honor/Memorial has been acknowledged.

A typical Honor/Memorial import will have these destinations mapped:

  • Primary Constituent Name/Bio1/Org 1
  • Primary Constituent Constituent Code
  • Honor/Memorial Constituent Constituent Code

  • Primary Constituent Address and/or Email
  • Honor/Memorial Constituent Address and/or Email
  • Primary Constituent Address and/or Email (2nd mapping to assist in identifying Primary Constituent in Relationship mapping)*

  • Gift - Linked to Primary Constituent
  • Gift Tribute - Linked to Gift, Honor/Memorial Tribute and Tribute Acknowledgement

  • Honor/Memorial Constituent Name
  • Honor/Memorial Tribute - Linked to Honor/Memorial Constituent 
  • Tribute Acknowledgement - Linked to Honor/Memorial Tribute

  • Honor/Memorial Relationship to Primary Constituent:  Primary Constituent mapped and Linked to Honor/Memorial Constituent**

In addition to this sort of mapping, Criteria Sets for the Primary Constituent, the Honor/Memorial Constituent (via the Tribute Set) and the appropriate Relationship Sets will need to be reviewed and refined, based on your data.

*Depending on the nature of your data, you may need to map a Primary Constituent's Address and Email address twice. One for the Constituent Criteria Set and one for the Relationship Criteria Sets to ensure suitable matches can be found. Failure to map and set up suitable Criteria Sets could lead to duplicate records being created and error messages such as, Only individual and organization relationships may be tribute acknowledgees.

**Make sure the 'Reciprocate' field is ticked/checked in the relationship