In the Field Settings, you can see the option to "Conditionally Update Values."  This allows you to select the option to "Assign When" or "Do Not Assign When" so that you can customise whether or not a field is populated based upon another field.

When using this function, you can opt to create your condition on several choices including blank, not blank, equal to, not equal to, less than, more than and matches the regex.

A few examples:

  • You might want to add "No Valid Address" code to a record that does not have an address:

  • You may want to only assign a Letter Code to gifts over a set amount:

  • You might only want to add an attribute if an incoming field contains/does not contain a specific set of values. 

In this example, the incoming Field contains the values Opt1, Opt2 and Opt3. By applying a Regular Expression, the attribute in question will now only be added when the field value equals Opt1 or Opt2