Several of our paid destinations allow you to create additional constituents in your template (including Individual Relationship, Organisation Relationships, Solicitor/Canvasser and Tribute).  However, while you will create the mapping for this constituent on that respective tab in Importacular, you will need to work with other tabs in order to add additional data to those constituent records. you may find this section of our User Guide helpful.

For example: If my import file includes a primary Constituent who is a student, an Individual Relationship to another constituent who is the parent and an Organisation Relationship that is the parent's employer, my import can create three constituents in one import.  If I want to add a Constituent Code and an address for each of these records, then I will need to create Constituent Codes for all three constituents on the Constituents tab and I will need addresses for all three on the addresses tab.

You can see the mappings on the Constituent tab showing not only the three constituents (the parent and the parent employer are in a lighter font color to indicate that they were created on another tab) as well as the mapping areas for each of the Constituent Codes.

In the column on the right labeled "Linked to", you can see which constituent code mapping is linked to which constituent record.

You will select which constituent to link to in the upper right hand corner of the mapping (a Constituent Code mapping is shown below).

As our example also included Addresses for each constituent, here is a screenshot of that tab with an address for each constituent: