At times, a file/data source may contain gifts that you do not want to include in your import (such as offline gifts that were added to your Peer to Peer pages).  These can easily be suppressed using the 'Conditionally Update Values' section located on the Field Settings in connection with one of the key fields for a gift - date, amount or Fund.

Key fields must be filled in for a record to be created, so suppressing one of the fields will allow you to either ignore a gift or force it to create an exception (the gift will be ignored as a default, but you can change it to an exception using the Gift Area Settings - see the bottom section of the Gift Matching tab).

Select either the Fund, Amount or the Date as your field to suppress.  The, open the Field settings and choose the option for 'Conditionally Update Values'. 

Choose the option that sets the condition that you would like Importacular to follow to ignore the gift (shown below is logic used to ignore gifts that have been refunded - hence the refunded date being not blank):