The Replace Types in Data Transformations determine how the From Source information will be changed as the data is imported into Raiser's Edge via Importacular.  Use of the Replace Types is limited by the nature of the field that the data is being imported into in Raiser's Edge.  For example, fields that are linked to code tables (including but not limited to fields such as Constituent Codes, Funds and Solicit Codes) and fields that are a yes/no (which visually appears in Raiser's Edge as a check box) can only use a Replace Type of Complete.  

  • Complete - This Replace Type replaces the entire field in Raiser's Edge with the information listed in Change to Target.

  • Partial - This Replace Type replaces just the specific text in the source with the changed text in the Change to Target.  For example, if you put 'Street' in the From Source with a match type of Word and then put 'St' in the Change To Targe box with a Replace Type of Partial , this would replace 'Street' with 'St', but would leave all of the other text in the data source as is.

  • Append - This Replace Type allows you to add text at the end of the string.  If used with a Regex Match Type and left blank, it will add the text to all of the rows.  If used with Word or Any, it will add the text at the end of the rows that meet that criteria.

  • Prepend - This Replace Type allows you to add text at the beginning of the string.  If used with a Regex Match Type and left blank, it will add the text to all of the rows.  If used with Word or Any, it will add the text at the beginning of the rows that meet that criteria.

  • Regex - This Replace Type allows you to use a Regular Expression to alter what is replaced. Watch this video showing the possibilities of using Regular Expressions as Replace Types.  To read more, we recommend this blog entry by David Zeidman.  Help with Regular Expressions is not included with our support package, but you can find a few resources in this knowledgebase article.