Blackbaud have added a new field in RE which causes problems for Importacular versions 3.6 Patch 1 and below. 

The field "Nxt Gift" is new and if it is set then it will cause an error (see error text below).

Please ensure that this field is neither checked nor unchecked i.e. it should be in the "third" position. This is shown below. Depending on your environment you may see one of the following two types of checkboxes representing the "third" position:


In our next release, 3.6 patch 2, this field will be removed from Importacular.

Error text:

General ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Violation of UNIQUE KEY
constraint 'UQ__BatchGif__DBE3A79203E7FC9D'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object
'dbo.BatchGift'. The duplicate key value is (0).