We are using Audit Trail Classic and our users are receiving the following error message whenever changing constituent records in Raiser’s Edge and saving:
There is an error in XML document (4, 23).
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(TextReader textReader)
at ZeidmanDevelopment.RECommon.SettingsBase.PopulateSavedSettings()
at ZeidmanDevelopment.AuditStandards.AuditStandardList.PopulateSavedSettings()
at ZeidmanDevelopment.AuditStandards.RealtimeValidation..ctor()
at AuditNET.AuditVBA.ConstituentBeforeSave(CRecord constituent)
There are two possible reasons for this:
Reason 1
It looks like there is something corrupt in the Audit Standards settings. I am not sure if you have Validatrix installed or if you are a version that is beneath that. However if you do have it installed then please go to the configuration and check to see if there are any rules that say "upgraded from Audit Standards" (or something similar). Please remove these ones. If there are any other rules there then please remove them too.
If you are not on that version then in the Viewer, go to the ZD logo and click on it to bring up the about box. Go to menu and select Audit Trail Standards. Please remove any standards that are here.
Reason 2
This may also happen when an organisation has never been into Validatrix previously so that the settings are completely blank. If they go into Validatrix config they will likely get a similar error. If they then go out of the config, the errors may have stopped on saving the records.
If possible attempt the following SQL and see if there are multiple results. This may also be the cause of the error
select * from txtstream inner join txtblock on txtstream.id = txtblock.txtstreamid where
txtstream.name = 'ZeidmanDeveloment.REAudit.AuditStandards'