We are not experts at Group Policy so this may not work for you. However it is possible to install the msi file using a silent or non-user interactive install by supplying it the parameters it needs. This command line is shown below:

AuditSetup.msi /passive SYSPATH="C:\Program Files\Blackbaud\The Raisers Edge 7" PLUGINSPATH="C:\Program Files\Blackbaud\The Raisers Edge 7\Plugins"

For the standalone version of Validatrix (i.e. for those that have not purchased Audit Trail), use the corresponding Validatrix msi file.

Updated: This method is probably best as a silent install script that can be set to run once on login.

Others have reported the following as working:

msiexec /i "Audit Trail Client Only.msi" /quiet /qn /norestart /log "D:\install.log"

This assumes that the SYSPATH and PLUGINSPATH are at the standard location. You may need to add them as variables if they are not in the standard locations.